Development Roadmap

Here is the list of known issues, coming features and functionalities I'm working on. Note the Status and whether this is a Commissioner or Player benefit.

  • Not yet started
  • Close to starting
  • In progress
  • Finished
  • Prize Payouts Feature
    Complete functionality for commissioner to enter prize payouts for league.
    • Commissioner
  • Awards & Trophies
    Commissioner create Awards and Trophies.
    • Commissioner
    • Player
  • Delete Player Warning
    Set a "Are you sure?" warning before a commissioner can delete a player.
    • Commissioner
  • Edit entry on My Dashboard
    Edit your entry for any league right from your My Dashboard page.
    • Player
  • Eliminator League Options
    Develop a method to 'suppress' an 'elimiated' player from having an active entry, but remain in league to interact and see how the standings pan out.
    • Commissioner
    • Player
  • Player Public Profile
    Display of players public profile with Awards, Trophies and Achievements.
    • Player
  • Profile Questions
    Complete functionality to do this.
    • Player
  • Remove Selected Driver on phones
    When a driver is selected on an entry in a driver group, the selected driver is not being removed from other select option.
    • Player
  • 3rd Party Mail Server Send Magic Login Link
    Send 'Forgot Password' (aka Magic Login Link) from 3rd party transactional email company to ensure deliverabilty. This means there should be no reason you don't get the email.
    • Player
  • Add crossover drivers to pool
    Add the potential list of drivers that will race in other series to the Driver Pool for commissioners to add to their Driver Groups
    • Commissioner
    • Player
  • Clear Entry
    Button to clear entry on entry form
    • Player
  • Commissioner Edit Player Entry
    Complete functionality for a commissioner to edit a league players entry and re-score league if necessary.
    • Commissioner
    • Player
  • Commissioner Send Player Invites
    Give the league commissioner the ability to send email invites to come back for season or join league.
    • Commissioner
  • Contact Me form
    Complete functionality so it works
    • Commissioner
    • Player
  • Correct Lock Times
    Correct all the Lock A and Lock B times that are available.
    • Player
  • Export Player List to csv
    Method for commissioner to export a csv file of contact details of players in the league.
  • League Access Type
    Let commissioner change an existing league from private to public or vice versa.
    • Commissioner
  • League Entry Fee
    Complete functionality for commissioner to mark a player paid on the Player Fee Payment table.
    • Commissioner
  • Lucky Dog Option
    Write code to opt-in to Lucky Dog scoring and implement logic for display.
    • Commissioner
  • Quit League
    Complete functionality for a player to quit a league.
    • Player
  • Remove a Co-Commissioner
    Functionality to remove a co-commissioner from a league.
    • Commissioner
  • Set Lock B Only Option
    Complete functionality for a commissioner to set their league to only use 'Lock B'.
    • Commissioner
  • Suggestion Box
    Complete functionality so it works
    • Commissioner
    • Player
  • Update Avatar
    Players can change their avatar image.
    • Player
  • Update League Name
    Give league commissioner a method to edit the league name.
    • Commissioner
  • Update League Password
    Functionality for Commissioner to update league password
    • Commissioner