Commissioner Frequently Asked Questions

Also, check out the Development Roadmap to see what is being worked on.

  1. Click through your league navigation to 'About » League Rules'.
  2. Click on the 'Additional Options' header.
  3. Scroll down to LEAGUE NAME and click the icon next to 'Edit League Name'
  4. The section will expand to display a form input to enter a new name for your league.
    • Minimum length is 6 characters - Maximum length is 55 Alphanumeric characters and spaces only
  5. Type in new league name.
  6. Click 'Update League Name' to save.
Type in the new name for your league and click update.

  1. Click through your league navigation to 'About » League Rules'.
  2. Click on the 'Additional Options' header.
  3. Scroll down to LEAGUE ACCESS & PASSWORD and click the icon next to 'Edit League Access & Password'
  4. The section will expand to display radio buttons labeled 'Public League' and 'Private League'.
  5. Select the access type you want.
    • Public Leagues do not require a password.
    • Choosing a Private League will also require the 'League Password' input to include a password of at least three alphanumeric characters with no spaces.
  6. Click 'Update League Access' to save.
Select the access type you want for your league. Private leagues need a password.

  1. Click through your league navigation to 'About » League Rules'.
  2. Click on the 'Driver Groups' header.

Each driver group is edited separately. To edit the maximum number of uses per driver per season:

  1. Select the number of starts in the select box under 'Driver MAX Uses'
    • If that is the only thing you want to change click the 'Update [A, B, or C] Group' button to save.

To edit the drivers in a specific group:

  1. In the select box of the driver you want to change, choose either another group letter or 'No Driver Group'.
    • Selecting a different letter will move the driver to the selected group when saved.
    • Selecting 'No Driver Group' will move the driver to the 'Unassigned Drivers list' above the Driver Groups tables. These drivers can be assigned to a driver group at anytime if you decide you want to use them.
  2. Once you are done making changes to the drivers in that group, click the 'Update [A, B, or C] Group' button to save.
You can change your leagues values for Driver uses and Driver groups
To change the number of Driver uses - Select the number in Driver MAX Uses you want for your league
To change the group that a driver is in - Select the Group that you want to move a driver to

1: In the league navigation click through 'About ยป League Rules' and then click the 'Driver Groups' tab.

Commissioners can add new and unassigned drivers to Driver Groups

2: Click the 'Unassigned Drivers list' link to display a table with all the available drivers to add to driver groups.

Unassigned and newly added drivers will display here

3: Use the select box next to the driver you want to add. Select the group you want to add them to. Click the 'Assign Drivers' button at the bottom of the table

Add drivers to A, B or C groups.

4:Successfully added a driver to the selected group.

  1. Click through your league navigation to 'About » League Rules'.
  2. Click on the 'Race Schedule' header.
  3. Races with the switch 'selected' next to them are races your league currently uses.
  4. Races with the switch 'deselected' next to them are races your league currently does not use.
  5. 'Select' and/or 'Deselect' races according to your league preference.
  6. Once you are done making changes to the races click the 'Update Races' button to save.
Select or Deselect races to use in your league.

  1. Click through your league navigation to 'About » League Rules'.
  2. Click on the 'Additional Options' header.
  3. Scroll down to LEAGUE ENTRY DEADLINES and click the icon next to 'League Lock Type'
  4. The section will expand to display radio buttons labeled 'Use Lock A & B' and 'Use Lock B only'.
  5. Select the lock type you want for your league.
    • Use Lock A & B will partially lock entry forms 30 minutes prior to qualifying and then fully lock at race time.
    • Use Lock B only will leave entry forms unlocked until race time.
  6. Click 'Update Lock Used' to save.
Set when entry forms will lock for your league

  1. Click through your league navigation to 'About » League Rules'.
  2. Click on the 'Additional Options' header.
  3. Scroll down to LEAGUE SCORING and click the icon next to 'League Scoring Type'
  4. The section will expand to display radio buttons labeled 'Normal Scoring' and 'Lucky Dog Scoring'.
  5. Select the scoring type you want for your league.
    • Normal Scoring uses each player's race score in totaling their Segment and Season scores.
    • Lucky Dog Scoring drops each player's lowest race score in totaling their Segment and Season scores.
  6. Click 'Update Scoring Used' to save.
In your League Navigation - go to About > League Rules. Click on the 'Additional Options' header
Scroll down to LEAGUE SCORING. Select the type for your league.

Method #1 - when you just need an address or two.

  1. Click through your league navigation to 'About » Players'.
  2. Scroll to the section labeled 'The Whole Crew'
  3. On each player's Player Card look for 'email address'.
  4. Hover your mouse over that to see the email address.
Player Card
Hover your mouse over 'email address' to view.

Method #2 - when you want all players (past and present) in your league.

  1. Click through your league navigation to 'About » Players'.
  2. Under the page title, 'League Players', commissioners have a message box and link labeled 'Export to csv'.
  3. Click the link and a csv file with Player ID, team name, player name, email address and status will download.

This is the universal way to invite other players to your league. Once the 'Invite via Email' is completed you'll be able to send invites from the game to potential players. In the meantime, you'll need to email them through your personal email or the more old fashion way - word of mouth.

Your League ID (and password if a private league) is all you need to invite someone to play in your league.

1a: Finding your League ID method #1

A League's ID is on every page in the league.

1b: Finding your League ID method #2

A League's ID is on your 'My Dashboard' next to the league name in the 'My Leagues' accordion.

2a: For private leagues you can find your League Password using the league navigation: 'About » League Rules'.

League navigation: 'About » League Rules'.

2b: At the top of the 'League Rules' page it will display your league password.

Look for the lock icon and the league password.

3: Now that you have that information a Registered and Logged in player can use the main navigation to click through 'Leagues » Join a League'.

Going to the 'Join a League' page

4a: The easiest way to find a league is in the dropdown box by the league number.

Leagues are listed by League ID number from smallest to largest.

4b: The longer route would be to use the filters (eg: Private Leagues » Cup) and click through the pagination links.

Browse leagues with filters and pagination.

5: When you find the league you are looking for click the 'Join League' link. If the league is private you'll be asked for the password. Once completed you're taken to the league as its newest member!

Click 'Join League' to join.

Your League ID is displayed in two general locations.

1: A League's ID is on every page in the league.

Next to your league name at the top of each page.

2: A League's ID is on your My Dashboard in the 'My Leagues' accordion.

'My Leagues' accordion.

As a convenience for players and commissioners there is a single location to display your league's entry fee, the due date and ways to pay it.

1: In the league navigation click through 'About » Fees & Payouts'

Dedicated page to displaying everything regarding your league entry fees.

2: To enter the League Entry Fee and the Due Date click on the 'Edit Entry Fee' link to open a section where these values can be entered. Once entered click the 'Update Entry Fee & Date' button.

Enter your amount and due date

3: When you're done the values are displayed on the page for easy player reference.

Entry Fee and Due Date

4: You can also enter the ways that players can get their entry fee to you. PayPal, Venmo or your Mailing address. Click the 'Edit Payment Methods' to open a section where these values can be entered. Enter each method individually and click their button to save.

Enter information for the methods you use.

5: When you're done the values are displayed on the page for easy player reference.

Payment methods.

Easily keep track of the players that have and haven't paid your league entry fee.

1: In the league navigation click through 'About » Fees & Payouts'

Dedicated page to displaying everything regarding your league entry fees.

2: Click the big tab labeled 2024 Player Fee Payments. When you receive a player's entry fee payment click the button for that player to 'Mark Paid'

All player's in your league are listed automatically in the table.

3: Players that have paid are highlighted in green. Unpaid players are highlighted in red.

If you make a mistake marking a player paid that hasn't, just click the red button 'Mark Unpaid' to change them back to red.